1 Feb | Beautiful exchange

Happy Chinese New Year! 


I almost forgot that Chinese New Year was just around the corner… but the sounds of fire crackers in Bangkok brought to mind that it was near!

It has been 6 years since I last spent Chinese New Year in Hong Kong… but the memories of seeing relatives, visiting friends, and having lotssss and lotssss of food are still quite fresh. 

My parents are very sweet – they sent me their greetings and blessings through technology :) The phrase written on the banner that is in my mom’s right hand, is inspired using one of my first names: 芝 (chi). In Cantonese, the sound ‘chi’ is identical to the word ‘知’, which means knowledge. And this phrase of blessing on that banner literally means “the knowledge of contentment brings happiness”. If I try to translate it properly – it means that if one can always be content with what one has, one is always happy. Such, is a traditional Chinese wisdom.

Such concept is also mentioned in the Bible – only that there is an even more profound dimension to it! 

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (Philippians 4:11-12)

Today is my last day of staying in Bangkok. In an hour I will be heading to the airport, for Phnom Penh, Cambodia!! One month’s training flew by, and it has enriched me in so many ways. In learning to live with others, to be open about my vulnerabilities, to be challenged to the core of my character, to be pruned to be a person more willing and ready to love, to be thankful in all circumstances (the good and the not so good and the bad and the very bad), and to discover the wonderful and unique ways that God has made each person!

Yes it has been challenging in many ways. Physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually. There has been a great degree of adaptations, of putting aside one’s self-interests, and of persevering through difficulties with patience. I’ve come to realize how I fall short and am weak in all these areas, but I thank God for giving me this intense opportunity to learn, and to grow. :)

Everyday, I marvel at the awesome beauty of LOVE. Of the LOVE that comes from the God who created this universe and everyone in it. Of the LOVE that reaches out to me daily and calls for me to share it. 



So what’s the secret? What’s the “secret” mentioned in Phillipians about “being content in all situations” – and the joy that it brings?

It is written right after:

I can do all this through HIM who gives me strength. (Phillipians 4:13)

The answer is HIM who gives me strength. Jesus. 

Because of the Jesus that lives in me, I can be content and thankful for a 50Baht pad thai; I can be content and thankful for clean drinking water; I can be content and thankful for mosquito sprays; I can be content and thankful for spare money to get instant noodles and bubble tea; I can be content and thankful for air-conditioning. :)

When you think about it… none of these can be taken for granted, can they?

It’s all because of Jesus, who gives me strength.




And the beautiful exchange is this: Jesus gave up everything to love me –> so I have the privilege to (aim and seek to) give up everything to love others –> and in doing so, I gain in multiples I can’t imagine. Such might not be a ‘reward’ that is attractive by the standards of the world, but it is a reward that has an everlasting, undiminishable value. This is God’s promise.

Jesus said, “everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, because of me, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29)

Although I’ve left many things and people to come here, Jesus has given me the riches of His grace so lavishly that my ‘sacrifice’ seems trivial. One of these riches, is the blessing of family in Christ. I’ve gained 6 sisters in Christ – 6 beautiful and unique women who have come from all corners of the world for one purpose – to love and to serve. :)

Today we depart, and we head to different locations in Southeast Asia for the ‘real work’ that has been long anticipated… And we all know, that we are able and have the privilege to do such work only because Jesus has FIRST done everything possible to love us.

Much love and blessing to you girls: “We can do all this through HIM who gives us strength”! ♥ :)